Today I'm giving thanks for Brian Turnquist. Brian was one of my computer science professors at Bethel University.
I had some great opportunities to learn from Brian, which allowed me to level up my early coding skills– to take a more structured and analytical approach. I also had an opportunity to work on a pretty cool research project in automated reasoning that Brian served as my advisor on.
In my first startup post-college, Brian referred a number of great computer science grads to me- some of whom later joined me at HomeSpotter as well.
In the early days of HomeSpotter, Brian continued to refer more great computer science grads my way- one of which was Brian Bethke who I wrote about yesterday.
Brian- thank you for your investments in me early on and for continuing to be helpful for years to come.
Originally posted on LinkedIn – head over to give it a like or a share.
I’m giving thanks for 100+ days to individuals that positively impacted me or HomeSpotter’s trajectory.